Conscious Heart Song Intensive
Mi., 28. Dez.
|Seminarhaus Eckhof
In this Retreat we bring the essence into play. Truth can reveal itself by deeper understanding, softening, opening, presence practices and cultivation of the heart. Connection will be a means to higher consciousness.

Zeit & Ort
28. Dez. 2022, 16:00 – 31. Dez. 2022, 16:00
Seminarhaus Eckhof, Murbergstraße 153, 8072 Enzelsdorf, Österreich
Über die Veranstaltung
Facilitated by...
Saeed Khan (Canada)
has received rigerous training in
traditional Tantra and has been profoundly inspired by the
teachings of non-duality through intensive practices over 25
years in different traditions - Advaita Vedanta, Dzogchen,
Terravada Buddhism, Shamanism. His approach to the nondual
state is non-conceptual, opening up the space for
recognition of our true nature through practices and
consciousness transmission.
Saeed aspires to the possibility of stable Awakening for every
human being and in this mission he travels the world offering
Satsang and consciousness transmissions.
He engenders a highly vibrating energetic field to help clear
the blocks to non-dual awareness.
Verena Devi Strobl
is a teacher of A Course in
miracles, life coach, teacher of the heart and researcher
for alternative life style in natural environment. She is
gone through intense practices over 25 years in
Ashrams, Retreats and educations in consciousness
technologies, the Yoga of the Heart and different
coaching skills. Authentic human connection through
different means such as Authentic Relating, trauma
sensitive coaching and conscious heart is in the focus of
her service. By bringing conscious awareness into the
heart and its dimension, there is the possability of deep
transformation through heart opening and
transcendence of the ordinary senses into higher
sensitivity and vastness.
Wotan Alvaro Sun
is known as a soundhealer, multiinstrumentalist
and circle facilitator. Since he is 16 years old he
writes songs, pouring his heart into sound/energy
transmissions and Conscious voice connection.
Ever since he is connecting souls through heart centered
events, Retreats and Workshops f.e. the famous " Heart Culture
Through his work he creates a non judgemental space that
allows a simple and profound feeling of arriving home,
welcoming everything that arises and all of our dimensions. This
simple but fundamental quality allows integration to happen
very naturally.
He uses the power of the circle, to effectively benefit the
individual and offering a space for universal connection through
sound and the expression of your unique, true voice, in it´s
power to reflect the beauty of the universe.
Together we create an alchemy of:
* Daily Satsang - Communion in truth with Saeed
* The four Yogas and how they come together into the highest teachings
* The 5 Aggregates of buddhist teachings
* Dyads - self-inquiry and reflection in pair
* Sharing presence
* Cultivating different energies
* Heart practices - Revealing the abilities and essence of the heart with Devi
* Authentic Relating
* Voice activation & Soundhealing with Wotan
* Mantra and prayer
Our intention and essence for the participants:
Deeper connection within and alltogether, discernment, recognition of truth, cultivation of
softness and compassion
Date: 28.12. 16h - 31.12. 16h
Location: Seminarhaus Eckhof ,Murbergstraße 153, A-8072 Mellach/Graz
Language: english/german
We want to include everyone who feels a call
Tune in....
every investment we do into expansion of consciousness is an
investment into the universal pot
Abundance giver (you support people who have less) 550€
Good intention 450€
Support receiver ticket 350€ - on request
Full boarding (all vegan meals and raw food) 70€
Acommodation in common sleeping rooms 7€ per night
(own sleeping mat and blanket)
Single rooms are available on demand and in hotels or AirBnB in the villages around
Application through email to heartmatter@protonmail + transfer of an application fee to:
Heart Matter BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE21 9673 2365 3903
(application is only complete through transfer of a fee of 200€)
Storno Conditions: We hope you understand that in case of Storno you get only 50% of the
application fee back.
Storno is possible till 24.12.
31.12. 17h New Years Eve
at the lake and Seminarhaus Eckhof
Let´s invite our friend into the field of our Retreat and celebrate love, connection,
authenticity and transition with sweet awareness into the new cycle of 2023!!!
We will prepare the celebration together, cook, keep a sacred fire at the lake and dance
and sing in co-creation. Donation: minimum 7€
You are welcome as you are!